Destined to be Great

Be Ready to see THE Perspective

Jo Monvil Season 5 Episode 8

In this episode Beautiful Angels, Jo illuminates on the advancement of being able to change your perspective to see the beauty that lies when you feel that you were unable to do such. When life seems to be crumbling and you are not sure or you don't see that there is purpose in your journey all it takes is minor adjustments. The changes that lie in your perspective are the things that align you to see the bigger picture.  A problem is only a perspective. The only problem is the view of how it is affecting you. You have to find the light, allowing the view of the dark clouds and thunderstorms always around you does not prove a difference.  See the divinity in the outlook that aligns with you. 
"Fake it until you make it, and then you will make it and it will be second nature" is a familiar quote that goes around, only because stressing about what you do not have does not align with your higher self.  

It is not easy, but it is worth the depth that it adds to your life. 

Peace be with you.


Thank you for being here with me! We are doing the work together, just remember to come as you are.

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